Corporate AV Solutions
ensuring that Technology works for you
Conference room audio video systems should be designed with the end user(s) in mind. Whether it’s a huddle space or a boardroom, these systems are mission-critical for your business. Ohm Systems can help from start to finish, ensuring an end product that will be dependable, great sounding (and looking) and user friendly! Ohm can also help with those troublesome sound issues in your modern open office setting. A properly designed and installed sound masking system can help keep those private conversations private, and also help create a more productive, less distracted team without giving up all of the positives of the open office. Please contact us if you’d like to hear more about conference room av, sound masking, surveillance systems, or really any audio video neds your business might have!
designed with your needs in mind
When it comes to conference rooms, huddle spaces, or any other audio-video needs your business may have, our team of highly skilled, thoroughly experienced AV System designers will help to assess the needs of your specific business, and present a solution that will be tailor-made just for you. Ohm's installation and service team will see to it that the craftsmanship and attention to detail of your project is second to none.
At Ohm Systems, we believe that great sounding audio, crisp, brilliant video and ease of use should all go hand in hand. Contact us if you'd like to schedule a free onsite consultation.

privacy in Open Office environments
If your organization has an open office space, you may want to learn more about sound masking. Ohm Systems can design and implement a sound masking system that will help create the type of speech privacy that your business needs. Open office spaces can look great, and the team collaboration that they foster can be a valuable asset , but sometimes it can be overwhelming and distracting to hear every EVERY conversation in the room. We’d love to help you explore your sound masking options!
A well designed video conferencing system can be a game-changer for many organizations. With clear, intelligible audio and quality, high definition video, collaboration can take place seamlessly, even if team members are thousands of miles away. Why spend the time and money traveling for meetings when your boardroom, huddle space, or conference room can serve as the hub for even international business? Video conferencing can not only streamline your processes, but it can greatly reduce your company’s carbon footprint by eliminating the commute!

Don't guess, See what's happening
A high quality, user friendly surveillance system is a must for most businesses. We build camera systems to fit the needs of our clients perfectly. Video is stored for future reference, but you can view what's happening in real time from a handy smartphone app, or from your computer's browser. With smart search features built in, you'll be able to easily find the video you're looking for, when you need it. Let one of our Systems Designers help assess your needs and put the right Surveillance package together for you today!
Control & Automation
our goal is "intuitive"
We strive to create Control and Automation systems that are both extremely powerful and simple to operate. From simple Huddle Spaces, to larger Conference Rooms, to large scale Audio Video Matrix systems, we do it all! Custom design and programming from Ohm Systems will leave you not only with a state of the art system, but with one that you know how to operate!

Lighting & Shade Control
Seeing things in the right light
A properly designed lighting and shade control system can not only simplify things around your office, it can also lower your energy bills. Choosing the right level of dimming throughout your space will lower your power consumption and make your bulbs (LED or otherwise) last much longer. By using schedules and scene control, we are also able to make sure that lights are never left on when you don't need them to be. Motorized shading systems can help to darken a room for a presentation, create privacy, and keep the sun’s glare off of your computer screens. Careful consideration of when and how much light to let in can lessen the dependence on your building’s heating and air conditioning systems (and the resources they consume). A well programmed shading system can do just that....and much more!